Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Week Six

A lot of progress has been made on the programming of the application since last week. It now includes a full list of all the buildings to be included (Figure 1). This picture is a template for what will happen if you click on a building in this drop down list. As seen on top, a description, address, and phone number if available will show up dependent upon which building is selected. This will give the user the ability to scroll through the buildings and see a small description of what each one is or what it features. Figure 2 is what the map interface looks like up to this point. The Google map has been used and the user can either click on a building on the map or type a building into the search bar on top and the program will locate it for him or her. Figure 3 shows the home screen for the application.

Figure 1
Figure 3
Figure 2

With many recent issues with Photoshop, it was decided that an alternative photo editor should be used. Gimp was chosen, but this change has caused the photo editing to longer than anticipated. Progress is being made though.


Deborah Kapilow

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